Hi! I'm Aleksandar Atanasovski
Full Stack Developer

As a full stack developer I utilize Vue, Nuxt3, React and Next.js to create practical web solutions. Tailwind CSS ensures elegant design, while Node.js powers the backend. Ready to collaborate? Connect here.


A few of my creative endeavors.

Curious to see my personal projects?

AmpeDent dental office application

AmpeDent is a dental office web application built with Next.js, TailwindCSS, MongoDB & Mongoose, and NextAuth. It offers a platform for users to schedule appointments and an admin dashboard for office management. With its responsive design and secure authentication, AmpeDent streamlines the dental care experience for both patients and dental offices.

JobGlimpse Job board application

JobGlimpse is a job board web application developed with Nuxt 3, TailwindCSS, Turso SQLite for the database, Stripe for secure payments, and Cloudinary for efficient image uploads.It seamlessly connects talented individuals with exciting opportunities, offering a responsive design, curated job listings, easy job creation, premium promotion features, and a visually appealing brand experience.

ampeConvert Image processing application

ampeConvert is an image processing web application developed with React, TailwindCSS, Express for the backend, sharp for image manipulation, and AWS S3 for reliable storage. It effortlessly bridges the gap between high-quality images and optimal file sizes, offering a responsive design, intuitive image upload, easy conversion and compression, premium resizing features, and a visually appealing user experience

ATAL-Pizza food ordering application

ATAL Pizza is a web application developed with Nuxt 3, TailwindCSS, MongoDB, Stripe, and Sidebase nuxt-auth. It simplifies the process of ordering pizza online, securely handles payments, and provides tools for site administration.

Nuxtshop eCommerce application

NuxtShop is an eCommerce application that utilizes Nuxt 3, MongoDB, Pinia, Bootstrap 5, Lucia Auth and Stripe . It's designed to provide users with a smooth shopping process, a reliable system for product reviews, and straightforward tools for site administration.

Bitcoin price checker

Bitcoin price checker built with Nuxt3, TailwindCSS and Turso SQLite.Check Bitcoin prices in euros and find the best deals from top vendors! The web app updates in real-time and caches results daily for a quick, hassle-free experience. Stay on top of the market effortlessly!

Want to know more?

A bit about me.

Hi there, I'm Aleksandar Atanasovski, a developer with a passion for crafting visually appealing, responsive, and scalable web applications. My expertise spans Nuxt3, Vue, React, Next.js, Node.js, and TypeScript, with a focus on creating intuitive and modern user interfaces using Tailwind and Bootstrap. I make it a point to keep up with the latest developments in the tech world to ensure that my work remains relevant, impactful, and adheres to modern design trends.

When coding takes a pause, I lace up for a run—embracing the same discipline and determination that I apply to development. It's this dedication to continuous improvement that propels me forward, both on the track and in tech.

So, whether you're looking for a website that shines or a developer who understands the value of dedication and hard work, don't hesitate to reach out! Let's connect and build something awesome, together.